Contact Us
Use this form to send us a message and someone will get back to you as soon as possible. Please include your player's name, team name, coach name, times, dates, game numbers, and any other information that is specific to your question.
Coach Conflict Form
At Mansfield Soccer Association we appreciate and understand the time commitments and constraints placed on our coaches. We attempt to work around conflicts in scheduling your games as much as possible.
Volunteer Application
Please use this Volunteer Application form to express interest in serving as a volunteer for Cleburne Soccer Association. We are always in need of volunteers and you may be able to help us!
Board of Directors Nomination
Use this form to nominate ACTIVE ELIGIBLE MEMBERS of Cleburne Soccer Association to the Board of Directors. Nominees will be contacted to see if they will accept the nomination before being placed on the ballot.
Game Reschedule Request (Cleburne)
Please make sure you are a 6U-8U team before filling out this form. All other age groups must use their league's forms or process to request a reschedule.
Refund Request
CSA may refund only 90% of your registration fee prior to being placed or drafted on a team, only 50% may be refunded after being placed or drafted on a team prior to the first game of the season, no refund after the season starts. CSA will not refund any online processing, uniform or late fees.
Guest Player Release Form
Guest Player Release Forms must be filled out for all tournaments including the month of June for players that wish to play for a team other than the one to which the player is assigned.
Medical Release Form
Parent/Guardian Consent and Player Medical Release Form - In an emergency, when parents/guardians cannot be reached.
North Texas Release Form
North Texas Release Form - Player/Team requesting Release from Home Association
Academy Player Registration
Individual soccer players residing anywhere in the North Texas area can request an Academy Player Registration form from Cleburne Soccer Association. This form is required for player participation in any NTSSA academy program or tournament. This form must be available at all training and competitions for insurance purposes.
Guest Player Release Form Signature Request
Use this form to request a signature on a Guest Player Release Form from the Registrar. You must upload a completed form with all required signatures in order to have that formed signed by the Registrar.
Member Association Change Notification
North Texas Soccer encourages players to register with their local association. However, if for some reason, you would prefer to register in another North Texas Soccer member association, please fill out and submit this form.
Assistant Coach / Team Manager Add Form
Use this form to request that an assistant coach or team manager be added to your roster. ONLY HEAD COACHES CAN REQUEST THIS
Player / Coach Sit-Out Verification Form
Player / Coach Sit-Out Verification Form
Notice of Appeal Form
Notice of Appeal Form
Referee Evaluation
Please submit any comments that will help make a better experience for the players, teams and spectators.
NTSSA Referee Misconduct Report
NTSSA Referee Misconduct Report